The Compendium DAO
Information On The Mission And Responsibilities Of The Compendium DAO And How Governance And Voting Works.
What Is The Compendium DAO?
The Compendium DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that is responsible for providing support, comprehensive guidance, and supervision to facilitate the evolution and expansion of the greater cryptocurrency technology landscape, the Compendium Collective, and all associated communities. The DAO is a community-driven initiative that operates through decentralized governance and decision-making processes, with the aim of supporting the development of public goods and infrastructure. The Compendium DAO should follow the underlying proposed Dynamic Constitution while approving or denying proposals in regard to the greater good of the Compendium Collective.
Official Communication Channels
Unlike specific members of the Compendium Collective, the DAO does not have an official Twitter account. Notifications from the Compendium DAO, however, may be forwarded via Twitter from members of the Compendium Collective in order to spread awareness.
Current communication on proposals, DAO information, and general communication can be viewed on the Compendium Collective's official Discord Server.
The Dynamic Constitution
The Compendium DAO and its relation with the greater Compendium Collective is an experiment in the creation of public goods and support of private companies through decentralized governance. Our vision is to sustainably fund and improve upon the well-being of the Compendium Collective and associated communities. This Dynamic Constitution lays forth governing principles that should drive forward this vision.
Defining A Dynamic Constitution
The purpose of creating and maintaining a dynamic constitution is a relative solution to problems associated with an ever-changing community and crypto-ecosystem. By remaining dynamic we hope to appropriately navigate the Compendium Collective's current and future challenges.
Coexistence Between Parties
The DAO's governing framework necessitates the synchronization of immediate incentives with its far-reaching vision. Unfortunately, commonplace token-centric governance methodologies tend to suffer from incongruent incentives or unwarranted centralization of authority. To address these concerns we have implemented our governance systems and important checks/balances to ensure the correct usage of the Governance Fund in alignment with our vision.
Foundational Role
The Compendium Foundation is a distinguished Private Foundation, responsible for providing comprehensive guidance and supervision to facilitate the evolution and expansion of the Compendium Collective and its related communities. The Compendium Foundation will act as a reliable steward, ensuring a well-regulated governance system and efficient administration of the Compendium DAO. The Foundation's role is to support and enable the DAO's efforts, rather than to dictate them.
The Compendium Foundation is authorized to undertake the following activities:
Streamline the Compendium DAO's governance processes.
Potentially allocate Foundation assets to enhance the Governance fund, provided that it is consistent with the Compendium DAO's strategic vision.
Furnish financial, developmental, advisory, and legal support to official Compendium Collective Applications.
Help make reasonable modifications to this Dynamic Constitution, as needed.
Take any other action that may be conducive to its stewardship role.
DAO Membership
The Compendium DAO consists of CMFI holders and the Compendium Collective communities. CMFI is a governance token whose ownership grants voting rights on proposals to dictate the Governance Fund and any possible future on-chain protocol parameters.
When you vote on an on-chain proposal for the Compendium Collective using your CMFI tokens, your vote's influence is determined by the number of tokens in your wallet. The voting system is token-weighted, meaning that the more CMFI tokens you have, the more power your vote carries.
Holding CMFI allows you to democratically shape the future of the Compendium Collective and DAO alongside current and future values and goals.
CMFI Holders may:
Participate in #governance channels in Discord to discuss proposals.
Deposit CMFI on the related Governance Applications.
View and vote on proposals with the intention of carrying out the DAO's vision.
Withdraw CMFI from the governance applications at any time.
Participate in any native or third-party CMFI integrations.
It is important to note that voting and governance abilities provided by this utility do not equate to ownership in the foundation, collective applications, or greater ecosystem.
Further Exploring The Vision
As previously stated, our vision is to sustainably fund and improve upon the well-being of the Compendium Collective and associated communities.
Potential examples of proposals to carry out this vision:
Funding trading volume incentives on applications like Compendium.
Retroactive funding of requested updates or changes to the Compendex platform.
Grants applicable to the expansion of the Compendium Collective.
Sponsorship of hackathons for PENDAX and open-source tools for Compendex.
Overlap proposals in regard to the Compendi-Pigs NFT collection.
Proposals to make changes to future on-chain protocols led by the Compendium Collective.
Contributing To The DAO
As the Compendium DAO is a decentralized organization, anyone can participate and contribute, regardless of their level of experience or expertise. By participating in the community and contributing to the development of the Compendium Collective's technology stack, you can help support the implementation of our vision and mission values to improve the landscape for all.
Last updated