Governance Applications
Information on the official governance forum and voting procedures for the Compendium DAO.
If you are interested in contributing to the Compendium DAO, there are several ways to get involved. You can start by joining the official Discord community, where you can connect with other members of the community, learn about ongoing projects, and discuss potential contributions. You can also review the documentation on the Compendium Collective's technology stack to learn about how to contribute to the development of its protocols, products, and companies.
Governance Forum & Chat
Unlike specific members of the Compendium Collective, the DAO does not have an official Twitter account. Notifications from the Compendium DAO, however, may be forwarded via Twitter from members of the Compendium Collective in order to spread awareness.
Current communication on proposals, DAO information, and general communication can be viewed on the Compendium Collective's official Discord Server.
Please utilize the channels marked with Compendium DAO/Governance while communicating DAO-specific information or proposals.
Governance Voting
Voting procedures take place on the official Compendium DAO Realms integration. You can view the official page here:
Voting Instructions
Connect your compatible Solana wallet after visiting the Realms portal.
Click the Deposit Governance Tokens button. A dialogue box may appear confirming the deposit of your CMFI tokens. Click Deposit to confirm.
The wallet approval pop-up will now appear and display the deposit of all CMFI tokens in the attached account. Please note that you can withdraw the deposited tokens at any time.
All deposited CMFI will now appear in the Governance Tokens Panel. This means that the tokens are now on the governance contract and removed from the connected wallet.
To participate in voting, choose the proposal you would like to view and vote on. Locate the "Cast your vote" box on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and select either "Approve" or "Deny" to submit your vote. You will then be prompted to confirm your selection and can choose to include a message with your vote. Remember to approve the transaction using your wallet to finalize the process.
Once your tokens have been submitted into the governance system, you may withdraw them at any time. However, if you withdraw your tokens before the voting period concludes, your vote will also be retracted. Rest assured that once the vote has been completed, you may safely withdraw your tokens without affecting the outcome of your vote.
Last updated